27 сентября 2012 15:38

Kazakhstan PM Serik Akhmetov called re-appointed ministers to press on


Kazakhstan Prime-Minister Serik Akhmetov. Photo courtesy of pm.kz Kazakhstan Prime-Minister Serik Akhmetov. Photo courtesy of pm.kz

Serik Akhmetov called re-appointed ministers to not relax, Tengrinews.kz reports citing government’s press-service. “A new stage of work starts for the government members today. The President gave a high credence to us and we have to live up to his confidence,” Prime-Minister Serik Akhmetov said at the first meeting of the Cabinet in Astana. “We have to prove that our government is able to work efficiently and fulfill the tasks set by the President,” he continued. Serik Akhmetov stressed that the new Cabinet will continue the course of the previous one and will build up on the experience of the previous government. “A major part of the government members have retained their positions,” he stated. ”But this doesn't mean we can relax. On the contrary, it is a reason to step up our activities.” Serik Akhmetov assured that the government would continue its constructive interaction with the Parliament. “A draft of the new 3-year budget has been submitted to the Parliament. According to the President’s instruction, the budget is focused on ensuring effective implementation of all the existing state-run programs. Our priority is to get it successfully passed,” he stressed. Akhmetov also noted the necessity to ensure efficiency of Kazakhstan’s integration in the CES (Common Economic Space) and facilitate the coming accession into the WTO (World Trade Organization). “We should not preclude the possibility of the second global crisis. The government has developed a step-by-step anti-crisis plan to ensure stable macroeconomic conditions and maintain economic growth. We will continue to closely monitor this process and respond to all challenges of the global economy’s development,” Akhmetov said. He reminded that the Strategic Plan of Kazakhstan’s Development to be implemented until 2020 is focused on 5 key areas and the required state programs for industrialization, residential construction, education, healthcare, fresh water and employment have been adopted. “Our goal is to ensure implementation of these programs. Their results are the focal point,” Akhmetov stressed. The Prime-Minister instructed his government to analyze the course of implementation of all the existing programs and, if necessary, file suggestions on their correction. Besides, the head of the government called the Cabinet members to more actively work with all the regions of Kazakhstan pursuing the new approaches to regional development. “We should not forget about other important aspects of the government’s activities that require maximum efforts. President is expecting results. We have to perform a real work. And we have to meet the President’s expectations,” Akhmetov stated.

Serik Akhmetov called re-appointed ministers to not relax, Tengrinews.kz reports citing government’s press-service. “A new stage of work starts for the government members today. The President gave a high credence to us and we have to live up to his confidence,” Prime-Minister Serik Akhmetov said at the first meeting of the Cabinet in Astana. “We have to prove that our government is able to work efficiently and fulfill the tasks set by the President,” he continued. Serik Akhmetov stressed that the new Cabinet will continue the course of the previous one and will build up on the experience of the previous government. “A major part of the government members have retained their positions,” he stated. ”But this doesn't mean we can relax. On the contrary, it is a reason to step up our activities.” Serik Akhmetov assured that the government would continue its constructive interaction with the Parliament. “A draft of the new 3-year budget has been submitted to the Parliament. According to the President’s instruction, the budget is focused on ensuring effective implementation of all the existing state-run programs. Our priority is to get it successfully passed,” he stressed. Akhmetov also noted the necessity to ensure efficiency of Kazakhstan’s integration in the CES (Common Economic Space) and facilitate the coming accession into the WTO (World Trade Organization). “We should not preclude the possibility of the second global crisis. The government has developed a step-by-step anti-crisis plan to ensure stable macroeconomic conditions and maintain economic growth. We will continue to closely monitor this process and respond to all challenges of the global economy’s development,” Akhmetov said. He reminded that the Strategic Plan of Kazakhstan’s Development to be implemented until 2020 is focused on 5 key areas and the required state programs for industrialization, residential construction, education, healthcare, fresh water and employment have been adopted. “Our goal is to ensure implementation of these programs. Their results are the focal point,” Akhmetov stressed. The Prime-Minister instructed his government to analyze the course of implementation of all the existing programs and, if necessary, file suggestions on their correction. Besides, the head of the government called the Cabinet members to more actively work with all the regions of Kazakhstan pursuing the new approaches to regional development. “We should not forget about other important aspects of the government’s activities that require maximum efforts. President is expecting results. We have to perform a real work. And we have to meet the President’s expectations,” Akhmetov stated.
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