22 августа 2014 14:45

Kazakh Senate Chairman and British Ambassador discuss Ukrainian crisis


Photo courtesy of parlam.kz Photo courtesy of parlam.kz

Chairman of the Kazakhstani Senate Kassym-Jomart Tokayev has received the British Ambassador to Kazakhstan Carolyn Browne at her request on August 19 in Astana, Tengrinews reports citing the press service of the upper chamber.

Tokayev noted the importance of British PM David Cameron's visit to Kazakhstan last summer. These talks laid the foundation for qualitative growth of cooperation between the countries in trade and politics. Tokayev called for expansion of contacts between the two country's parliaments, in particular within the framework of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly.

They exchanged views on the international situation. Browne expressed her concern over the escalation of the conflict in Ukraine. On his part, Tokayev drew attention of the British ambassador to the continuing efforts of Kazakhstani President to find the solution to the Ukrainian crisis, which has become a serious problem with far-reaching consequences for the international community.

President of Kazakhstan has been active in mediating the situation along with the President of Belarus Lukashenko. The website of Ukraine’s President informed recently that Petro Poroshenko has agreed to meet the heads of Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia in Minsk on August 26. The press service said that the talks would focus on energy security, on reached an agreement of association between Ukraine and the European Union and on settling the situation in Donbass.

Chairman of the Kazakhstani Senate Kassym-Jomart Tokayev has received the British Ambassador to Kazakhstan Carolyn Browne at her request on August 19 in Astana, Tengrinews reports citing the press service of the upper chamber.

Tokayev noted the importance of British PM David Cameron's visit to Kazakhstan last summer. These talks laid the foundation for qualitative growth of cooperation between the countries in trade and politics. Tokayev called for expansion of contacts between the two country's parliaments, in particular within the framework of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly.

They exchanged views on the international situation. Browne expressed her concern over the escalation of the conflict in Ukraine. On his part, Tokayev drew attention of the British ambassador to the continuing efforts of Kazakhstani President to find the solution to the Ukrainian crisis, which has become a serious problem with far-reaching consequences for the international community.

President of Kazakhstan has been active in mediating the situation along with the President of Belarus Lukashenko. The website of Ukraine’s President informed recently that Petro Poroshenko has agreed to meet the heads of Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia in Minsk on August 26. The press service said that the talks would focus on energy security, on reached an agreement of association between Ukraine and the European Union and on settling the situation in Donbass.


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