18 мая 2012 15:16

Ex-president of France hopes to remain friends with Nazarbayev


Nursultan Nazarbayev and Nicolas Sarkozy. ©REUTERS/Benoit Tessier Nursultan Nazarbayev and Nicolas Sarkozy. ©REUTERS/Benoit Tessier

Former President of France hopes to maintain friendship with Nazarbayev, Tengrinews.kz reports citing Kazakhstan President’s press-service. “I sincerely hope that my successor will continue the remarkable partnership between France and Kazakhstan. This is one of the important achievements of my presidential mandate that I am very proud of. The effective cooperation between our countries was made possible also thanks to your vision and unique qualities that you have used to make Kazakhstan the leader in Central Asia and strengthen its positions in the international arena,” Nicolas Sarkozy stated in the official letter. Former president of France also expressed his intention to maintain and enhance friendly relations with Nursultan Nazarbayev that he valued. As soon as the results of the French presidential elections were announced, Nursultan Nazarbayev sent a congratulatory telegram to Francois Hollande in relation to his victory and a telegram to ex-president Nicolas Sarkozy thanking him for his “self-sacrificing long-term work on development of the relations between France and Kazakhstan”. By Shynar Ospanova

Former President of France hopes to maintain friendship with Nazarbayev, Tengrinews.kz reports citing Kazakhstan President’s press-service. “I sincerely hope that my successor will continue the remarkable partnership between France and Kazakhstan. This is one of the important achievements of my presidential mandate that I am very proud of. The effective cooperation between our countries was made possible also thanks to your vision and unique qualities that you have used to make Kazakhstan the leader in Central Asia and strengthen its positions in the international arena,” Nicolas Sarkozy stated in the official letter. Former president of France also expressed his intention to maintain and enhance friendly relations with Nursultan Nazarbayev that he valued. As soon as the results of the French presidential elections were announced, Nursultan Nazarbayev sent a congratulatory telegram to Francois Hollande in relation to his victory and a telegram to ex-president Nicolas Sarkozy thanking him for his “self-sacrificing long-term work on development of the relations between France and Kazakhstan”. By Shynar Ospanova
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