26 ноября 2013 18:16

Angela Merkel sends friendly regards to Nursultan Nazarbayev


German Chancellor Angela Merkel has sent her friendly regards to Kazakhstan President Nursultan Nazarbayev, Tengrinews reports from the Iternational conference on the Role of the First President of Kazakhstan in Parliamentarism Development in Kazakhstan held in Astana. "I would like to pass the warmest regards on behalf of the Chairwoman of the Christian Democratic Union of Germany (CDU) Mrs. Angela Merkel, who sincerely salutes You. She also sends her friendly regards to Mr. President Nursultan Nazarbayev together with her warmest congratulations," a member of the German Bundestag Karin Strenz said in Astana. In her speech she praised Kazakhstan's achievements by saying that Kazakhstan had achieved an unprecedented progress. "Kazakhstan is developing in such dynamic pace at the moment that it inspires a lot of respect," Strenz said. "God bless your great President and your amazing people," she added. She also pointed out that the the fact that there is a German diaspora in Kazakhstan and a community of ethnic Germans who immigrated from Kazakhstan to Germany create a living bridge of people's diplomacy. "This bridge induces special relationships between Germany and Kazakhstan and creates a solid foundation for promotion of bilateral cultural and humanitarian connections," she continued. Speaker of the Majilis (the Lower Chamber of the Kazakhstan Parliament) Nurlan Nigmatulin passed warmest the regards to Angela Merkel on behalf of the Kazakhstan authorites. The International Conference in Astana is held before the public holiday - the First Kazakhstan President's Day - celebrated on December 1. By Renat Tashkinbayev

German Chancellor Angela Merkel has sent her friendly regards to Kazakhstan President Nursultan Nazarbayev, Tengrinews reports from the Iternational conference on the Role of the First President of Kazakhstan in Parliamentarism Development in Kazakhstan held in Astana. "I would like to pass the warmest regards on behalf of the Chairwoman of the Christian Democratic Union of Germany (CDU) Mrs. Angela Merkel, who sincerely salutes You. She also sends her friendly regards to Mr. President Nursultan Nazarbayev together with her warmest congratulations," a member of the German Bundestag Karin Strenz said in Astana. In her speech she praised Kazakhstan's achievements by saying that Kazakhstan had achieved an unprecedented progress. "Kazakhstan is developing in such dynamic pace at the moment that it inspires a lot of respect," Strenz said. "God bless your great President and your amazing people," she added. She also pointed out that the the fact that there is a German diaspora in Kazakhstan and a community of ethnic Germans who immigrated from Kazakhstan to Germany create a living bridge of people's diplomacy. "This bridge induces special relationships between Germany and Kazakhstan and creates a solid foundation for promotion of bilateral cultural and humanitarian connections," she continued. Speaker of the Majilis (the Lower Chamber of the Kazakhstan Parliament) Nurlan Nigmatulin passed warmest the regards to Angela Merkel on behalf of the Kazakhstan authorites. The International Conference in Astana is held before the public holiday - the First Kazakhstan President's Day - celebrated on December 1. By Renat Tashkinbayev
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