25 июня 2013 19:40

A Block of career officials formed in Kazakhstan


Akorda (Kazakhstan President's residence). Photo by Marat Abilov© Akorda (Kazakhstan President's residence). Photo by Marat Abilov©

A meeting of the National Commission for Personnel Policies chaired by the head of the Presidential Administration Karim Massimov has been held today, Tengrinews.kz reports citing the President’s press-service. The meeting was held to summarize the work done to form the A Block of career officials in Kazakhstan, the press-service writes. 14 meetings of the commission were held between June 4 to 21. They included interviews with each of 1,121 candidates who passed the test stage. As a result, the commission recommended 940 candidates for the A Block, considering their test results, ratings of development of cities and regions they served in, evaluation of efficiency of public bodies they served in and the information provided by the law-enforcement authorities. The total of 2,024 people applied for the Block. The list of members of the A Block was approved by the President and published on the website of Kazakhstan State Service Agency. The A Block is a class of career officials that is absolutely new to Kazakhstan. It has been formed in Kazakhstan in fulfillment of the President’s State-of-the-Union Address Strategy Kazakhstan-2050: New political course of the established state. The block will be responsible for implementation of certain directions of the state policy, the message states.

A meeting of the National Commission for Personnel Policies chaired by the head of the Presidential Administration Karim Massimov has been held today, Tengrinews.kz reports citing the President’s press-service. The meeting was held to summarize the work done to form the A Block of career officials in Kazakhstan, the press-service writes. 14 meetings of the commission were held between June 4 to 21. They included interviews with each of 1,121 candidates who passed the test stage. As a result, the commission recommended 940 candidates for the A Block, considering their test results, ratings of development of cities and regions they served in, evaluation of efficiency of public bodies they served in and the information provided by the law-enforcement authorities. The total of 2,024 people applied for the Block. The list of members of the A Block was approved by the President and published on the website of Kazakhstan State Service Agency. The A Block is a class of career officials that is absolutely new to Kazakhstan. It has been formed in Kazakhstan in fulfillment of the President’s State-of-the-Union Address Strategy Kazakhstan-2050: New political course of the established state. The block will be responsible for implementation of certain directions of the state policy, the message states.
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