At the XI Russia-Kazakhstan Interregional Cooperation Forum, President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev suggested Russia to start joint geological exploration to find new oil fields, Tengrinews reports from Atyrau.
“We could start a joint geological exploration to discover new oil and gas fields. For example, Kazakhstan is working on international project Eurasia. (…) High probability of large oil and gas reserves in the Caspian Depression on the territories of Kazakhstan and Russia attract many major international oil companies. Russia could also take part in the project,” Nazarbayev said.
The President noted a great potential of the two countries for cooperation in hydrocarbons exploration and development. “At today's exhibition we were shown advanced technologies in deep and ultra deep drilling. It is very relevant for the Caspian Depression that is a territory of both Kazakhstan and Russia,” Nazarbayev added.
Kazakhstani and Russian companies, according to the president, could offer locally manufactured hi-tech equipment. “Development of the service infrastructure holds a great potential. We, in cooperation, could widen the range of services offered to subsurface users. It includes not only transportation, logistics and construction, but also hi-tech services such as engineering, design and information technologies. Our mutual enterprises could become efficient tools. Training of a new generation of specialists that can use both experience of the previous generations and new technologies would be the foundation of this cooperation,” the President of Kazakhstan said.
Nazarbayev also stressed the importance of cooperation in education. “It is obvious that our countries cannot expect to achieve a breakthrough in the energy sector without high quality education. To address this our R&D institutions could jointly work on technologies for improvement of extraction of heavy crude, deep sea mining, shale oil, oil processing, alternative energy and many other areas,” Nazarbayev said.
The President added that the results of the cooperation between Russia and Kazakhstan could be presented at the EXPO-2017 in Astana.
The theme of the forum in Atyrau was Innovations in Hydrocarbons. Kazakhstani and Russian ministers and businessmen participated in the forum.
Reporting by Assemgul Kassenova, writing by Gyuzel Kamalova, editing by Tatyana Kuzmina