Kazakhstan is launching an international project called ATOM. Any person in the world can make a contribution into the movement of countering nuclear weapons. The project’s website contains a petition to the world's governments calling to bad nuclear weapons, Tengrinews.kz reports citing Kazakhstan President Nursultan Nazarbayev as saying at the international conference called From Nuclear Test Ban to Nuclear Weapons Free World. “Nuclear-free world is our common goal that the humanity has to strive for. Only by acting together we will be able to make our world a safer and better place. We can still remind the world of the tragic consequences of the nuclear tests to push the global community to more decisive actions on their final and definitive ban. For this purpose Kazakhstan is launching the ATOM international project today. This abbreviation is made of the first letters of four words in English: Abandoning Tests is Our Mission,” President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev said in the Independence Palace in Astana. President explained that as part of this project any person in the world who stands against nuclear weapons can sign the petition to the world’s governments online to call for a complete ban of nuclear tests and thus, to facilitate a sooner adoption of the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty. “I call the participants of the conference and all the people of the world to support ATOM project and make building of a nuclear weapons-free world our most important goal,” Nursultan Nazarbayev said. Kazakhstan President also stressed that nuclear weapons are equal to suicide. “Nuclear weapons are suicidal for the humanity. And a suicide, being a direct challenge to the Creator, is condemned by all global religions. From this point of view, having military nuclear power is an absolute blasphemy,” Nazarbayev stated.
Kazakhstan is launching an international project called ATOM. Any person in the world can make a contribution into the movement of countering nuclear weapons. The project’s website contains a petition to the world's governments calling to bad nuclear weapons, Tengrinews.kz reports citing Kazakhstan President Nursultan Nazarbayev as saying at the international conference called From Nuclear Test Ban to Nuclear Weapons Free World.
“Nuclear-free world is our common goal that the humanity has to strive for. Only by acting together we will be able to make our world a safer and better place. We can still remind the world of the tragic consequences of the nuclear tests to push the global community to more decisive actions on their final and definitive ban. For this purpose Kazakhstan is launching the ATOM international project today. This abbreviation is made of the first letters of four words in English: Abandoning Tests is Our Mission,” President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev said in the Independence Palace in Astana.
President explained that as part of this project any person in the world who stands against nuclear weapons can sign the petition to the world’s governments online to call for a complete ban of nuclear tests and thus, to facilitate a sooner adoption of the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty. “I call the participants of the conference and all the people of the world to support ATOM project and make building of a nuclear weapons-free world our most important goal,” Nursultan Nazarbayev said.
Kazakhstan President also stressed that nuclear weapons are equal to suicide. “Nuclear weapons are suicidal for the humanity. And a suicide, being a direct challenge to the Creator, is condemned by all global religions. From this point of view, having military nuclear power is an absolute blasphemy,” Nazarbayev stated.