09 февраля 2012 15:10

Kazakhstan and Germany became strategic partners


Signing the agreement between Kazakhstan and Germany on partnership in energy, industry and technology. Photo by Renat Tashkinbayev© Signing the agreement between Kazakhstan and Germany on partnership in energy, industry and technology. Photo by Renat Tashkinbayev©

Nursultan Nazarbayev summed up his visit to Germany with a statement for Kazakhstan media, Tengrinews.kz reports from Berlin. The President said that considering the obtained agreements it can be said that Kazakhstan and Germany are getting to the level of strategic partnership. “We have signed an interstate agreement that we didn’t have before and have signed 50 commercial contracts for over 4 billion Euro. Germany and Kazakhstan are getting to the level of long-term strategic partnership. We are interested in having Germany involved in our industrial-innovative program with its leading technologies,” he said. The President gave details of what Kazakhstan and Germany are interested in. “We are interested in German technology in machine-building. They are interested in our resources, the ones that we are not tapping into yet. We need to explore, define the reserves and start drilling and processing. Most important is that we are paying attention to processing of secondary resources that are piled up in billions of tons in Kazakhstan. There are many metals, especially rare ones, in these piles. They are needed for high-tech economy. "On the one hand we let them in (German companies), on the other hand we oblige them to open companies in Kazakhstan. We are interested in processing of our oil, gas, iron ore and base metal ores, chemistry, gas chemistry, mineral fertilizers. All this is very important for Kazakhstan,” Nazarbayev said. Making an example of the use of German technologies in residential buildings construction he said: “German materials are all quickly usable and 30 percent cheaper. We have agreed today and this is very important,” the President said. Technical education is another area of interest for Kazakhstan. Nazarbayev instructed Kazakhstan Minister of Education and Science to study the German experience. “When students are employed after graduating from schools, they study their new professions and work at the same time and get the certificate and work experience at the end of education. We are open new companies and it is very important to make sure that we have qualified experts to work there,” Kazakhstan President stated. By Renat Tashkinbayev

Nursultan Nazarbayev summed up his visit to Germany with a statement for Kazakhstan media, Tengrinews.kz reports from Berlin. The President said that considering the obtained agreements it can be said that Kazakhstan and Germany are getting to the level of strategic partnership. “We have signed an interstate agreement that we didn’t have before and have signed 50 commercial contracts for over 4 billion Euro. Germany and Kazakhstan are getting to the level of long-term strategic partnership. We are interested in having Germany involved in our industrial-innovative program with its leading technologies,” he said. The President gave details of what Kazakhstan and Germany are interested in. “We are interested in German technology in machine-building. They are interested in our resources, the ones that we are not tapping into yet. We need to explore, define the reserves and start drilling and processing. Most important is that we are paying attention to processing of secondary resources that are piled up in billions of tons in Kazakhstan. There are many metals, especially rare ones, in these piles. They are needed for high-tech economy. "On the one hand we let them in (German companies), on the other hand we oblige them to open companies in Kazakhstan. We are interested in processing of our oil, gas, iron ore and base metal ores, chemistry, gas chemistry, mineral fertilizers. All this is very important for Kazakhstan,” Nazarbayev said. Making an example of the use of German technologies in residential buildings construction he said: “German materials are all quickly usable and 30 percent cheaper. We have agreed today and this is very important,” the President said. Technical education is another area of interest for Kazakhstan. Nazarbayev instructed Kazakhstan Minister of Education and Science to study the German experience. “When students are employed after graduating from schools, they study their new professions and work at the same time and get the certificate and work experience at the end of education. We are open new companies and it is very important to make sure that we have qualified experts to work there,” Kazakhstan President stated. By Renat Tashkinbayev
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