22 сентября 2014 12:08

Prince William shows off his table football skills in Malta


 Prince William revealed his competitive side on Sunday, challenging youngsters in Malta to a game of table football and a quick round on the Play Station, AFP reports.

 Prince William revealed his competitive side on Sunday, challenging youngsters in Malta to a game of table football and a quick round on the Play Station, AFP reports.

Hunkered down on a big black beanbag with youths from a welfare centre in Vittoriosa, a relaxed-looking William, who had ditched his tie, whooped as he played a football game against three teenagers on a games console.

"These teams are good, but nothing like Aston Villa," he quipped, referring to his favourite British football team.

William was in Malta for independence celebrations in place of his wife Kate, who is still suffering from acute morning sickness after becoming pregnant with their second baby.

The second in line to the British throne told volunteers at the centre he could do with a team like them to help them look after young Prince George.

"Another baby will make things interesting for us," he said.

Earlier in the day, the prince had attended mass as part of celebrations to mark the day that Malta, a British colony since 1813, achieved independence 50 years ago.

He was then rowed around the Mediterranean island's harbour in a traditional red and gold boat -- looking cool in black sunnies and blue jeans -- before heading to a reception at the British High Commission, where he met children with cancer.

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