MP suggests renaming the capital after Nazarbayev Deputy of the Majilis of the Parliament Kuanysh Sultanov offered to reflect the name of Nursultan Nazarbayev in the name of Astana.
23 ноября 2016
Nazarbayev calls EXPO-2017 case convicts embezzled Astana has hosted the VII Congress of Judges of Kazakhstan with participation of the Head of State
21 ноября 2016
Pokemon's a no-go on Bangkok's roads Police in Bangkok announced a crackdown against Thai drivers playing Pokemon Go.
22 августа 2016
EU agrees anti-tax evasion deal The EU agreed a raft of anti-tax evasion measures to make it harder for multinationals to shift profits to countries with lower taxes.
21 июня 2016
Kazakhstan boosts compliance with global aviation standards A Significant Safety Concern (SSC) in Kazakhstan has been finally resolved through joint efforts in early May. This leaves no crucial concerns indicated by ICAO for Kazakhstan unresolved.
11 мая 2016
China sets death penalty threshold in graft cases Corruption cases involving three million yuan ($463,000) or more may incur the death penalty in future.
18 апреля 2016
French MPs set to approve contested ban on paying for sex French lawmakers are looking to outlaw sex for money and impose fines of up to 3,500 euros on prostitutes' clients.
06 апреля 2016
Israel caps bankers' salaries to $658,000 a year Israel's parliament passed a law capping the annual salaries of bank executives at $658,000, among the world's toughest such restrictions.
29 марта 2016
Israel supreme court strikes down landmark gas deal Israel's top court on Sunday struck down a landmark deal regulating exploitation of Mediterranean gas reserves, in a major defeat for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
28 марта 2016
Kazakhstan bans smartphones for police, civil servants Kazakhstan is set to enforce a ban on smartphones in the workplace for police and government workers in an effort to prevent information leaks, according to a document that was itself leaked,
24 марта 2016
New Zealand bans 'zero hour' contracts New Zealand has passed legislation banning 'zero hour' contractsto end the use of deals criticised as exploitative.
11 марта 2016
Pakistan court to hear bid to reclaim jewel from British crown Pakistan asks Britain's Queen Elizabeth II to return the Koh-i-Noor diamond more than 150 years after it was taken from Lahore.
10 февраля 2016
China adopts first counter-terrorism law China adopted its first counter-terrorism law Sunday: its provisions may tighten media controls and threaten the intellectual property of foreign firms.
28 декабря 2015
Germany bans's 'best price' clauses The German cartel authorities have banned the online hotel booking portal,, from using 'best pricer clause.
23 декабря 2015
Tajikistan bans trees, decorations in schools during festive season Tajikistan has tightened restrictions on celebrations of the traditional festive season in schools in the Central Asian country, banning Christmas trees and gift-giving.
22 декабря 2015
December holidays in Kazakhstan In December Kazakhstanis and permanent residents of the country will have 3 additional holiday.
18 ноября 2015
LGBT human rights: freedom or infringement in Kazakhstan? Article 19, the UK's human rights organization proposed introducing a concept of an anti-LGBT crime to the Kazakhstani Criminal Code.
24 октября 2015
Catalan separatists in court over independence vote Spanish judges started questioning Catalan officials charged with breaking the law by holding a vote last year on their contested drive for independence from Spain.
14 октября 2015
Hillary Clinton unveils plan to tighten US gun laws Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton offered proposals Monday to tighten the nation's gun laws, even threating to do so by decree.
06 октября 2015
Japan parliament passes controversial security bills Japan's parliament passed contentious security bills into law early Saturday, in a move that could see Japanese troops fight abroad for the first time in 70 years.
19 сентября 2015

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