Coordination council of public associations of veterans and disabled of Afghanistan war and other local conflicts demand resignation of Kazakhstan Parliament, Tengrinews.kz reports. The demand is related to the decision of the Majilis (Lower Chamber of the Parliament) to send four officers to Afghanistan. As per the council's representative, this decision will drew the country into a massive regional conflict and may cause a division in the muslim community. War veterans think that sending Kazakhstan officers to Afghanistan will endanger lives and safety of the country's citizens. On May 18 Kazakhstan Majilis (Lower Chamber of the Parliament) approved Ratification of the agreement in the form of notes exchange between Kazakhstan and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization on participation in activities of international security assistant forces in Afghanistan enabling Kazakhstan to send its peacekeeping forces to Afghanistan as part of its cooperation with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). In return Afghan talibs warned Kazakhstan that its decision to deploy troops to support NATO in Afghanistan will have grave consequences. Later official representative of Foreign Affairs Ministry Askar Abdrakhmanov said that only four Kazakhstan officers will go to Afghanistan. Two of them are military analytics, one epidemiologist and one combat service support expert.
Coordination council of public associations of veterans and disabled of Afghanistan war and other local conflicts demand resignation of Kazakhstan Parliament, Tengrinews.kz reports. The demand is related to the decision of the Majilis (Lower Chamber of the Parliament) to send four officers to Afghanistan.
As per the council's representative, this decision will drew the country into a massive regional conflict and may cause a division in the muslim community. War veterans think that sending Kazakhstan officers to Afghanistan will endanger lives and safety of the country's citizens.
On May 18 Kazakhstan Majilis (Lower Chamber of the Parliament) approved Ratification of the agreement in the form of notes exchange between Kazakhstan and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization on participation in activities of international security assistant forces in Afghanistan enabling Kazakhstan to send its peacekeeping forces to Afghanistan as part of its cooperation with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). In return Afghan talibs warned Kazakhstan that its decision to deploy troops to support NATO in Afghanistan will have grave consequences. Later official representative of Foreign Affairs Ministry Askar Abdrakhmanov said that only four Kazakhstan officers will go to Afghanistan. Two of them are military analytics, one epidemiologist and one combat service support expert.
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