New lung transplant technique could save lives A new technique could help nearly double the precious few hours surgeons have to carry out lung transplants.
18 ноября 2016
High blood pressure big issue in developing world The number of people across the globe suffering from high blood pressure has almost doubled over the past four decades.
16 ноября 2016
Four-in-10 Japanese are virgins: poll More than 40 percent of young Japanese single adults are virgins and almost three-quarters of men are not in any kind of relationship.
19 сентября 2016
Study of exhaust particles hints at Alzheimer's risk Microscopic particles, possibly from air pollution, have been found in human brain tissue, according to a new study into Alzheimer's risk.
06 сентября 2016
Singapore wages war on Zika-bearing mosquitoes Singapore officials went door-to-door Monday to wipe out mosquitoes after the discovery of 41 locally transmitted cases of Zika virus.
29 августа 2016
200 people fall sick after ammonia leak in Bangladesh An explosion at a chemical fertiliser factory left at least 200 people needing medical treatment after toxic gas spread.
23 августа 2016
Beyond wheatgrass: vegan junk food is all the rage Vegan diets are considered as healthy and environmentally responsible, with benefits like weight loss, clear skin and increased energy.
10 августа 2016
US obesity epidemic grows in all ages The US obesity epidemic has worsened across the board: 40 percent of women, 35 percent of men and 17 percent of children and teens.
08 июня 2016
All Belgians to get iodine pills in case of nuclear accident Belgium is to provide iodine pills to its entire population to protect it against radioactivity in case of a nuclear accident.
28 апреля 2016
Turkmenistan introduces mandatory pre-marital HIV tests Turkmenistan has passed a law making HIV tests mandatory prior to marriage.
06 апреля 2016
Number of adults with diabetes has quadrupled since 1980: WHO The number of adults estimated to be living with diabetes has nearly quadrupled over 35 years: the World Health Organization
06 апреля 2016
Cholesterol drug fails to improve heart health: study Experimental drug that greatly increases levels of "good" cholesterol has no effect on heart health, a comprehensive clinical trial found.
05 апреля 2016
Zika link to new, paralysing disease Causing brain damage in babies and a rare neurological ailment in adults, the Zika virus is also linked to paralysis-causing myelitis.
09 марта 2016
EU delays weedkiller decision amid cancer uproar The EU postponed a decision to extend the approval of a key weedkiller for another 15 years amid an uproar that it may cause cancer.
08 марта 2016
Hollande acknowledges impact of nuclear testing in Pacific French President Francois Hollande acknowledged that three decades of nuclear tests in French Polynesia had had "an impact" on health.
23 февраля 2016
Nearly 2 million children in Sudan malnourished: UNICEF Some two million Sudanese children under five suffer from malnutrition every year, UNICEF's representative said on Sunday, urging the international community to boost funding to tackle the problem.
23 ноября 2015
Coffee-drinkers less likely to die from certain diseases People who report drinking three to five cups of coffee per day are less likely to die prematurely from heart disease, suicide, diabetes or Parkinson's disease.
17 ноября 2015
Growing obesity problem in Kazakhstan Obesity in Kazakhstan is becoming a serious issue. Nutritionists and scientists urge Kazakhstanis to reconsider their nutrition philosophies
13 ноября 2015
Should I stop eating meat? No need, experts say The UN's International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) warned that processed meats like sausages and ham cause bowel cancer, and red meat "probably" does too.
27 октября 2015
Women urged to wait until 45 for breast cancer screenings In a controversial shift, a leading US medical association urged women to wait until the age of 45 before getting an annual mammogram to screen for breast cancer.
21 октября 2015

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