25 июня 2012 11:51

New heart surgery method introduced in Kazakhstan


Photo by Roza Yessenkulova © Photo by Roza Yessenkulova ©

New method of heart surgery has been introduced in Kazakhstan. Italian experts performed a master-class on transcatheter implantation of heart valves, Tengrinews.kz reports citing press-service of National Medical Holding. "The first surgery on implantation of the aortic valve via femoral artery was held in the National Scientific Cardiosurgical Center of the National Medical Holding. The new method is much safer, it does not require any invasive surgery or cardioplegia. It also significantly shortens the rehabilitation period," the press-service writes. The unique surgeries were performed free of charge to 6 patients (5 woman and 1 man) with aortic valve stenosis. The youngest of the patients is 74 years old. "According to the doctors, the patients have come back to normal life in a few days: they now have less dyspnea and chest pain. They can also now move one their own," the press-service states. Aortic valve stenosis is a serious disease characterized by narrowing of aortic valve hindering normal blood flow. It is currently more frequently discovered with the older population of the planet. The patients with vessels and valves pathologies live in very difficult conditions. Even walking from the bed to the table causes dyspnea and heartbeat. Surgery is the only solution for such patients. 30-40 percent of such patients cannot withstand traditional surgeries: general anesthesia, thoracotomy and artificial blood flow. Post-surgery period is tough and not always successful for everyone. Implantation of the aortal valve decreases all these risks and is suitable even for older people who cannot undergo open-heart surgeries.

New method of heart surgery has been introduced in Kazakhstan. Italian experts performed a master-class on transcatheter implantation of heart valves, Tengrinews.kz reports citing press-service of National Medical Holding. "The first surgery on implantation of the aortic valve via femoral artery was held in the National Scientific Cardiosurgical Center of the National Medical Holding. The new method is much safer, it does not require any invasive surgery or cardioplegia. It also significantly shortens the rehabilitation period," the press-service writes. The unique surgeries were performed free of charge to 6 patients (5 woman and 1 man) with aortic valve stenosis. The youngest of the patients is 74 years old. "According to the doctors, the patients have come back to normal life in a few days: they now have less dyspnea and chest pain. They can also now move one their own," the press-service states. Aortic valve stenosis is a serious disease characterized by narrowing of aortic valve hindering normal blood flow. It is currently more frequently discovered with the older population of the planet. The patients with vessels and valves pathologies live in very difficult conditions. Even walking from the bed to the table causes dyspnea and heartbeat. Surgery is the only solution for such patients. 30-40 percent of such patients cannot withstand traditional surgeries: general anesthesia, thoracotomy and artificial blood flow. Post-surgery period is tough and not always successful for everyone. Implantation of the aortal valve decreases all these risks and is suitable even for older people who cannot undergo open-heart surgeries.
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