19 июля 2012 12:46

Turkish Airlines lost Kazakhstan Olympic team's canoe


Turkish Airlines have lost a part of Kazakhstan canoe slalom sportsmen's luggage on the way to London, Tengrinews.kz reports. “Canoe slalom team flew from Almaty to London via Istanbul,” state canoe slalom and kayaking coach Sergey Gussev said. “We are missing one canoe, oars, hard hat and vest. This is the airline’s problem. They say they will try to find them. We have already bought another canoe to prepare for the Games. The trainings are in process. Of course, the new canoe does not comply with all the requirements, as the canoes are specifically made for every sportsman, considering his individual characteristics and preferences. Right now they are training on a canoe by Slovak Vajda.” According to Sergey Gussev, Kazakhstan sportsmen flew to London via Turkish Airlines. The Airline’s representatives are currently searching for the missing luggage.

Turkish Airlines have lost a part of Kazakhstan canoe slalom sportsmen's luggage on the way to London,
Tengrinews.kz reports. “Canoe slalom team flew from Almaty to London via Istanbul,” state canoe slalom and kayaking coach Sergey Gussev said. “We are missing one canoe, oars, hard hat and vest. This is the airline’s problem. They say they will try to find them. We have already bought another canoe to prepare for the Games. The trainings are in process. Of course, the new canoe does not comply with all the requirements, as the canoes are specifically made for every sportsman, considering his individual characteristics and preferences. Right now they are training on a canoe by Slovak Vajda.” According to Sergey Gussev, Kazakhstan sportsmen flew to London via Turkish Airlines. The Airline’s representatives are currently searching for the missing luggage.
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