Brazil court orders seizure of Olympic broadcaster's assets A Brazilian court has ordered the seizure of goods and assets belonging to the broadcast-arm of the International Olympic Committee.
20 сентября 2016
KazMunaiGas threatens action over Romania refinery seizure Kazakhstan's state oil company KazMunaiGas on Wednesday threatened to seek international arbitration against Bucharest.
28 июля 2016
Kazakhstan jails international expo organiser for corruption Kazakhstan sentenced a former minister to 14 years in prison for embezzling millions while heading Kazakhstan's preparations for EXPO-2017.
13 июня 2016
Clear, crunchy and counterfeit: China's fake jellyfish A tonne of man-made "jellyfish" has been seized by China's police, adding a new ingredient to the country's long recipe of fake foods.
11 мая 2016
Chinese officials under investigation for selling data Hundreds of employees at China's top statistics bureau are being investigated after selling data.
28 апреля 2016
Encryption row spotlights fears on security, privacy Has encryption technology given the bad guys a way to operate in the dark? Or has the new tech age gifted law enforcement with unprecedented surveillance powers?
27 апреля 2016
Lithuanian sentenced to 13 years for 'spying on Moscow' A Lithuanian national has been sentenced to 13 years in prison for spying on Moscow.
13 апреля 2016
Panama Papers allege offshore link with notorious British heist A Panamanian shell company may have helped hide millions of dollars from the Brink's-Mat heist leaked tax documents allege.
04 апреля 2016
'Dentist of horror' on trial for mutilating French patients A Dutchman dubbed the 'dentist of horror' went on trial after causing horrific injuries to the mouths of more than 100 patients in France.
09 марта 2016
Kazakhstan arrests top media chief on corruption charges Kazakhstan arrested the influential head of the country's Union of Journalists and former presidential spokesman Seitkazy Matayev.
23 февраля 2016
Blatter compares FIFA ethics probe to 'inquisition' Sepp Blatter said that he was the target of "an inquisition" by FIFA's ethics committee, which has suspended him for 90 days and called for further sanctions over corruption charges.
26 ноября 2015
Football: Blatter, Platini lose FIFA suspension appeals A FIFA appeal committee rejected a bid by president Sepp Blatter and UEFA chief Michel Platini to overturn their 90-day bans while Swiss police pursue a criminal inquiry.
19 ноября 2015
BTA Bank accuses American businessman of money laundering for Ablyazov and Khrapunov An American businessman Joseph Chetrit is accused of helping Ablyazov and Khrapunov launder $40 million.
18 ноября 2015
'Jihadi John': quiet football fan who became the symbol of IS From a quiet, football loving child to an Islamic State executioner, the man who became one of the most haunting figures of the jihadist movement remains a mystery even after being the high-profile target of a US air strike.
13 ноября 2015
Putin orders action over explosive doping claims Vladimir Putin ordered an inquiry into allegations of "state-supported" drug abuse in athletics that have left Russia facing a possible Olympics ban, but insisted any punishment should be individual and not collective.
12 ноября 2015
French footballer Benzema held over sextape blackmail: legal source French footballer Karim Benzema was arrested in connection with blackmail over a sextape featuring fellow player Mathieu Valbuena, a source close to the probe told AFP.
04 ноября 2015
Ukraine leader says arrest of oligarch ally just 'the start' Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko warned that the arrest of a millionaire associate of one of the country's most powerful oligarchs was only "the start" of a fight against the corruption plaguing the ex-Soviet country.
02 ноября 2015
Blatter blames 'bad losers' as seven candidates retained Outgoing FIFA president Sepp Blatter blamed England, the United States and Michel Platini for the corruption scandal engulfing the organisation.
29 октября 2015
CIA chief 'outraged' by personal email hack CIA chief John Brennan said he was "outraged" that hackers broke into his personal email account, and faulted the media for its coverage of the incident.
28 октября 2015
WikiLeaks publishes CIA chief's emails Anti-secrecy campaign group WikiLeaks published an initial tranche of documents it said were from the personal email account of CIA Director John Brennan.
22 октября 2015

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