09 января 2012 10:05

Kazakhstan billionaire keeps developing Jewish Al-Jazeera


Alexander Machkevitch. Tengrinews.kz stock photo Alexander Machkevitch. Tengrinews.kz stock photo

Alexander Mashkevitch, a billionaire who holds Kazakhstan and Israel citizenships, keeps developing pro-Jewish TV channel dubbed by the media as the Jewish Al-Jazeera, Tengrinews.kz reports, referring to Jerusalem Post. According to Zeev Feiner, Mashkevitch's spokesman, the project is still under development. The spokesman said that business consultations on strategic development plan were finished last September. Now the management of the channel is trying to draw more investors to the project. Feiner didn't tell the exact date of the TV channel launch. “Launching of a serious television project takes a long time,” he said. Mashkevitch announced his plans to create Jewish Al-Jazeera in April 2011. He said the TV channel will tell the truth about Israel and work against delegitimation of Israel in the world.

Alexander Mashkevitch, a billionaire who holds Kazakhstan and Israel citizenships, keeps developing pro-Jewish TV channel dubbed by the media as the Jewish Al-Jazeera, Tengrinews.kz reports, referring to Jerusalem Post. According to Zeev Feiner, Mashkevitch's spokesman, the project is still under development. The spokesman said that business consultations on strategic development plan were finished last September. Now the management of the channel is trying to draw more investors to the project. Feiner didn't tell the exact date of the TV channel launch. “Launching of a serious television project takes a long time,” he said. Mashkevitch announced his plans to create Jewish Al-Jazeera in April 2011. He said the TV channel will tell the truth about Israel and work against delegitimation of Israel in the world.
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